While many of the speed improvements can be made directly to the way the site is coded, a slow server can cripple your optimization efforts.
URL: http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/time-to-first-byte/
While many of the speed improvements can be made directly to the way the site is coded, a slow server can cripple your optimization efforts.
URL: http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/time-to-first-byte/
Guy Podjarny explains and illustrates the consequences of taking one element of performance optimisation (in this case, inlining), and what happens if you take it past it’s performance tipping point.
URL: http://calendar.perfplanet.com/2011/why-inlining-everything-is-not-the-answer/
The team at Pingdom have looked at what is contributing to page bloat across the internet.
URL: http://royal.pingdom.com/2011/11/21/web-pages-getting-bloated-here-is-why/
Google is now making access to their Site Speed reporting inside their Analytics product easier by removing the cumbersome requirement to add a specific tracking tag. Now all sites that use Google Analytics will have access to Site Speed data.
URL: http://analytics.blogspot.com/2011/11/site-speed-now-even-easier-to-access.html
The folks at Radware have dumped the StumbleUpon share function because there was no way to make it load asynchronously and slowed down their blogs.
URL: http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2011/11/18/stumbleupon-button-third-party-content/
The folks at DynaTrace explain why user expectations of site performance have changed and how that translates to the technical aspects.
Expectations of loading/response times chunked into three segments – and what they mean for visitors.
URL: http://www.zurb.com/article/830/response-times-the-3-important-limits
Multiple images being loaded in a CSS file can be mitigated (for modern browsers) using Data URIs. This is one of the better articles explaining the process and links to an online converting tool.
URL: http://www.7cynics.com/webdesign/css/css-inline-images-data-uri.html
Joining other tools like webpagetest.org, Pingdom beefs up its load test offering.
Starting today, a simple but effective switch has been flipped on DNS servers across the world that should significantly decrease your page load times and increase your download speeds across the web.