Outlines a common sense, cost-effective approach to lowering total cost of ownership and improving Web site and Web application performance.
URL: http://www.port80software.com/support/articles/webperformance.asp
Outlines a common sense, cost-effective approach to lowering total cost of ownership and improving Web site and Web application performance.
URL: http://www.port80software.com/support/articles/webperformance.asp
Git-hub repository file – high performance drop-in .htaccess file for your site.
URL: https://github.com/sergeychernyshev/.htaccess/blob/master/.htaccess
Stoyan Stefanov’s [in progress] book on “The business, psychology and technology of high-performance web apps”
Some arguments in favor of, and business case/ROI studies for web performance optimization projects for you and your team.
URL: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2085970/Why-Marketers-Must-Care-About-Site-Speed
There is a very good chance that the measurements you trust to tell you how fast your site is are wrong
URL: http://www.webperformancetoday.com/2011/07/05/web-performance-measurement-island-is-sinking/
Great comparison tools for PageSpeed and YSlow that combines the site scores in a web-dashboard, allows multiple site tracking and more.
URL: http://gtmetrix.com
Rules and documentation from Google on Page Speed
URL: http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/docs/rules_intro.html
Full explicit set of best practice instructions for speeding up your site.